NYT’s David Carr On Skills for New Journalists

I tell them that they should make stuff. The tools of production are at hand for everyone. I used to hire a lot of young people when I was the editor of Washington City Paper, and you used to have them show you the clips and see where else you worked. Show me what you’ve made with your own bare little hands. That, I think, is super important. People say, “You should’ve been here for the good old days.” I think that’s crazy. Yeah, it’s a little harder, but you have so many more tools at your disposal to story-tell. It’s cool to be in a business where you still learn. You don’t have to be able to code yourself, but you have to know what coding is. You should be able to work in Final Cut Pro. WordPress should be second-nature. I think, in generational terms, being able to produce and consume content at the same time.

Great perspective on the new set of required skills for young journalists. Being able to cut your own video, and knowing WordPress so well that it’s ‘second-nature’ are interesting foundations for self-sufficiency in journalism and media today.

—via Talking Points Memo